Saturday, January 17, 2009

Phone Photos

Here are some photos I uploaded from my phone.

Summer Winds - 2008.
This was a fun but exhausting day. Lots of bands, flies, hot and dusty. But fun.

Dressing room shot. I liked these bathers, but they were way too expensive. They are so nice though. Pity.

Mr. Cat looking really smart. This is my phone background.

Old paintings in my studio.


Me at my 0ld work. 'Old' work - meaning I no longer work there. They don't know what they are missing out on.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

This food tasted pretty good.

Profile shots in my studio.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Beagle + Cake

Beagle with a cake.

Sloppy beagle cake.

Professional beagle cake.

2D beagle cake. Less impressive.

Beagle cake for Garrett, lucky boy.

Old exhibition

These are some old photos of an old exhibition I was in.
Soon I will be able to post some new photos of a new exhibition I am in.
Stay tuned.